Welcome to the world’s first “recycle mall,” located in Sweden, Almost everything sold here is repurposed or upcycled, and anything else sold in the mall must be environmentally ethical. It’s located right next to a recycling facility so people can easily drop off stuff they don’t want anymore, rather than it being wasted. The staff then repairs and refurbishes the items as needed. There are 14 shops in the mall, offering: Sporting goods, clothes, computers, furniture, toys, and more. They also have workshops where people can learn to repair and repurpose, plus a restaurant and conference facilities. This mall is awesome! But you don’t need a “recycle mall” in your city to do this. You can shop at secondhand stores or buy used items online, repair your broken things or find a skilled repair person, host exchanges with your friends, simplify your life so you need less stuff, and buy quality goods that last a long time! Share if you love to reduce, reuse, recycle!
Die „recycle mall“ Retuna in der schwedischen Stadt Eskiltuna ist Shopping Mall, Recycling Center und Cafe in einem – in über 14 Geschäften und Werkstätten wird versucht alles (oder so viel wie möglich) zu reparieren oder aufzuwerten und günstig wieder zu verkaufen um so das Müllaufkommen zu reduzieren… und es funktioniert. Es wäre doch eine wirklich gute Idee für Düsseldorf, oder?